Dangers of Asbestos: Why You Need Industrial Asbestos Removal

Dangers of Asbestos  | St. Louis Asbestos Removal

Asbestos had been a common construction material in the past. It is a naturally occurring mineral made of thin fibers of silicate. Asbestos became very popular in the late 19th century when its application as thermal insulation was noticed. Its use began as a fire retardant in the form of coatings, bricks, and cement. It was also used as ceiling insulation, flooring, roofing, and in drywall joint compounds. But it was around the mid 1900s that the health hazards posed by asbestos were first recognized. Despite this revelation, asbestos was still used in many industrial, commercial, and residential construction projects through 1980. As such, many business owners are now seeking industrial asbestos removal to ensure their employees and customers are protected.

To learn more about the dangers of asbestos and find out how industrial asbestos removal service can be beneficial for you, call us today at (314) 865-2662. As a leading asbestos abatement company in St. Louis, Missouri, we can answer all your queries and suggest suitable solutions.

Why Is Industrial Asbestos Removal Necessary?

Workers and employees in an industrial or commercial setting may be constantly exposed to asbestos if your establishment has used it in construction. Over time, minute particles of asbestos in the form of asbestos dust may be inhaled and get trapped inside our lungs and bodies. When asbestos dust is trapped inside the body for years, it gradually causes inflammation and scarring in our organs and may also lead to genetic damage.

Asbestos has been proven to cause

  • Mesothelioma (a rare kind of cancer affecting the lining of the lungs and abdomen)
  • Lung, larynx, and ovarian cancer
  • Stomach, pharynx, and colorectal cancer
  • Asbestosis (a non-malignant lung disorder that causes permanent damage)
  • Pleural plaques, thickening, and benign pleural effusions

More and more asbestos-related cancer cases were encountered and recognized by the latter half of the 20th century. This led to many countries introducing laws that ban the use of asbestos in construction or place a limit on exposure standards. Such regulations, along with the responsibility of industries and organizations to ensure the safety of their employees, make it necessary to carry out asbestos testing and abatement.

Is Industrial Asbestos Removal the Only Option?

Dangers of Asbestos

While industrial asbestos removal and avoiding the use of asbestos in new constructions is always recommended, it may not always be necessary. The severity of health hazards that asbestos poses also depends on the age and condition of the material. The older your asbestos elements get, the greater is the risk. This is because with age, the asbestos elements degrade and release more dust.

If you suspect you may have an asbestos problem, you might want to carry out asbestos testing in your establishment first. The testing will tell you what kind of asbestos is used in your building, what its condition is, and whether it has been contained inside other material. In some cases, asbestos encapsulation may be enough to address the problem.

If you are planning a complete renovation or demolition though, it is best to hire a professional industrial asbestos removal service. The chances of getting exposed to asbestos dust are highest in these situations, and only a professional service can ensure everyone’s safety. It is also important to note that the asbestos removal contractor you hire should be EPA registered and OSHA certified.

Get In Touch With Us for Safe Industrial Asbestos Removal in Missouri

Asbestos removal can be a major project for an industrial or commercial establishment. It requires proper project planning and budgeting. The expert professionals at Advanced Environmental Services have years of experience in industrial asbestos removal services. We can help you maneuver through all the complicated regulations and compliance, deal with the paperwork, and deliver your project well within time and budget. We are AHERA Certified Building Inspectors serving the community since 2005.

Be it for selective demolition, complete reconstruction, or commercial and industrial asbestos abatement, our professionals are happy to help you. Call today at (314) 865-2662 or contact us online to get started on your project.

AHERA Certified Building Inspectors - Serving Misouri: St. Louis, St. Charles, Columbia - Residential, Commercial, Industrial