Do You Need Asbestos Removal?

Asbestos is a recognized health hazard. Professional asbestos removal eliminates this risk.

Do You Need Asbestos Removal

Asbestos is commonly used in building materials. It is a carcinogenic that can cause chronic respiratory disease and different types of cancer. Materials containing asbestos are, by themselves, not harmful. Yet, inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers poses a health risk. This happens when the asbestos begins to breakdown over time, and can be easily crumbled by hand, as tiny fibers are released in the air.

So, do you need asbestos removal? The quick answer is that it depends. While the mere presence of asbestos does not make it a health hazard, you should be aware of where asbestos may be throughout your home or building so that you can make informed decisions on whether or not asbestos removal is need. Below we take a look at common places where asbestos is found in buildings and how to check these areas.

For more information on asbestos and how to determine if you need professional asbestos removal, contact the asbestos abatement professionals at Advanced Environmental Services in St. Louis.

Common Areas to Inspect for Asbestos Removal

Do You Need Asbestos Removal in St. Louis, St. Charles, & Columbia

Asbestos-containing materials are a health hazard if they are weak enough to crumble under pressure and release fibers into the air. Those that are less likely to breakdown are not dangerous, but should still be monitored. Here are some common asbestos containing materials:

  • Insulation: Before the 80s, attic insulation was made using asbestos. As a safety measure, we recommend having your attic evaluated with asbestos testing services.
  • Ceilings and Walls: Asbestos was used in spray-applied textured ceilings and walls between 1945-1980. If these materials produce dust upon pressure or due to water damage, you should avoid exposure with industrial asbestos removal (link to industrial asbestos removal) from our experts.
  • Floor Coverings: Asbestos was also used in sheet vinyl and floor tiles to strengthen flooring and offer fire-proofing. In addition, tile adhesive can contain asbestos as well. If remodeling, you can sometimes just cover over the old flooring. But, if removing, grinding down, or sanding the floor surfacing or adhesive residue professional asbestos tile removal services are required.
  • Boilers, Heaters, and Piping: The piping systems connected to boilers and furnaces can contain asbestos. Apart from pipework, boilers may be coated in asbestos for insulation. Asbestos can also be present in the door gaskets of older model stoves, and in the cement-asbestos-board (CAB) placed under and/or behind the stove.
  • Garden Sheds and Garages: Asbestos siding and roof panels and tiles in older garages and sheds may be in disrepair and any crumbling pieces should be regarded warily. If you are planning to demolish the shed by yourself, take the necessary safety precautions as professional asbestos siding removal may be necessary.
  • Electrical Equipment: Older electrical switchboard panels and meter panels were manufactured from asbestos/resin. Liners for recessed lighting and lamp socket collars are other areas to check as well. As you may not come into direct contact with the mineral, their normal use should not be risky and asbestos removal unnecessary. However, these are things to be aware of before starting any renovation projects.
  • Motor Vehicles: Asbestos was used in clutches, brake pads, and gaskets due to its heat resistance and strength. Rather than replacing brake pads or repairing clutches of older automobiles you own, have professional technicians do the job. They exercise appropriate safety using protective equipment and specialized vacuum to avoid exposure to asbestos during the course of repair/replacement.

It is difficult to identify asbestos by looking at it or comparing it with online pictures. Only a professional asbestos removal company will be able to determine whether what you have found is asbestos and recommend a suitable action plan.

Contact Us for Asbestos Removal Services in St. Louis

At Advanced Environmental Services, we are a trusted asbestos abatement expert in St. Louis, MO. We use the best and safest techniques for asbestos removal and disposal. If you suspect you may need asbestos removal services or you want to learn more about where you may find dangerous asbestos in your home or building, contact us online or by phone today. Discuss your requirements with us and come closer to enhancing the safety of your living and working spaces.

AHERA Certified Building Inspectors - Serving Misouri: St. Louis, St. Charles, Columbia - Residential, Commercial, Industrial